
This is it

This is it. The night before I start my adventures (full time) as an entrepreneur. So much uncertainty, but so much excitement.

I have my morning even planned out pre-work.

  1. Get up at my usual time (7 am)
  2. Exercise
  3. Cleanup/Get Ready
  4. Go into Springfield to meet up with team by 9am

Normally I’m going to be working from home, but we are getting together this week to get all of our ducks in a row (I miss Duck Creek already). It will feel odd, but change always had a good and bad part to it. I’m going to try to embrace the good part.

I hope to blog about my different entrepreneurial experiences. Everything from taxes, insurance, and other business benefits to how I deal with it in my personal life and how I manage my work life balance. All of this is unknown to me at this point so I’ll just blog as a learn.