
7 months and still going

Things got extremely busy and I stopped posting as frequently. I do want to provide an update for my friends and family on how everything is going.

Here is a typical weekday for me:
Wake up without an alarm clock at around 7:30 am
Stock market research/getting ready/vegging: 7:30 – 9am
Work: 9 am – 5:30pm
Dinner with family and playing with kids: 5:30 – 7:30pm
More Work: 7:30pm – 11pm

I find a lot of enjoyment in my career, and even more now since It’s my own venture. It can be stressful at times, but the reward outweighs the stress and I’m not talking about the money. The money is still an unknown thing for me. I make enough to survive, but it’s still a startup, I’m not rolling in the dough, but having choice and a high level of influence is very liberating.

Mainly I work from home now, so I don’t get out much which does sound depressing, but I’ve never been one to want to get out much anyways, and besides I have Thursday lunch with some buddies In Bolivar sometimes. That brings me a lot of joy for the week when I can actually make it.

Overall, I’m still very happy about my decision to do this. I still can’t say I’ll be successful, but when it comes down to it,”Successful” is a very subjective term anyways, but I guess an objective way of defining “Successful” for this conversation is if I never have to go back to normal employment again, then I’m successful at becoming an entreprenuer, realizing that not being successful doesn’t necessary mean failure either.

I’m starting to be more conscious about personal goals like becoming healthier which is good that my job is normalizing enough in a way that my mind can focus on that. We’ll see how that plays out in the upcoming months.

I’ll try to be more frequent about posting to my blog, but you can always ask me how things are going as well!